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Foundation Stage - Nursery & Reception

A building needs a firm foundation to stand tall and last. Equally, each child needs a firm educational foundation to grow and develop. We believe that at Chase Lane, our values and commitment to each individual child, helps to provide that foundation. Each child is unique, and we aim to provide a learning experience in a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment, both inside and out, that builds on each child’s individual strengths, needs and interests.

It is important for us that our children are able to learn mostly through play and first hand experiences. By providing open-ended challenges, children can interact with each other in purposeful play to create meaningful learning experiences that are fun, engaging and challenging. There is an excellent balance of child-initiated and adult-led activities to ensure the children are not only consolidating previous learning but are also taking the next step in their learning journey. In addition, we encourage all children to become independent and creative learners. This involves developing their skills in problem solving and critical thinking.

We understand and appreciate the importance of the outdoor learning environment. Children can access the outdoors all year round and with more active learning experiences the extra space and freedom provides.

We provide a wealth of first-hand experiences for our children to enjoy and learn from. We regularly take walking trips into our local community: sharing books in the local library; shopping for ingredients in Sainsbury's or just walking around the park, observing the changes in the seasons. We host interactive drama workshops where children are able to immerse themselves in a story or play.

These experiences enrich each child’s learning journey with us and provide an opportunity for children to develop links between their own lives and the experiences we provide in school.  A springboard for further development.

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