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Aims, Values & Vision Statement

Nurturing curious minds in our community

ready for a sustainable future.’



  1. Children to make excellent progress and achieve their full potential.
  2. Children to be independent, aspirational life-long learners.
  3. Children’s needs to be central to the school’s priorities, including their social,   emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
  4. Children to engage in a dynamic and creative curriculum with lots of opportunities for first-hand learning.
  5. Children, parents/carers  and staff to be respectful to and care for everyone and everything.
  6. Children to be part of a school where parents and the wider community work together.

Please help us to achieve these aims by becoming involved in the life and work of the school.  Children will benefit from their families’ involvement in our school.

Chase Lane Primary School Values


Equality:   Treat everyone fairly and respect differences

Engagement:    Enjoy and take part in all learning experiences together

Respect:    Be polite, listen and think of others

Trust:   Be responsible, truthful and make the right choices

Resilience:   Rise to the challenge and always keep trying

Aspiration:   Believe in yourself, anything is possible


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