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SEND Information Report

How does the school identify children with SEND and assess their needs?

The school considers a child to have a special educational need or disability if special provision needs to be made for them, which is in addition to the universal provision in the classroom, in order for them to make the best possible progress. Parents, teachers or the child themselves may indicate that the child is experiencing difficulties in class. Sometimes another professional may have noticed something that warrants extra support. 

 Pupils need extra help if:

  • concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, or the pupil’s previous school
  • there is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age
  • there is a disability which makes it difficult or impossible for them to use the school’s educational facilities
  • there is a concerning lack of progress 
  • there is a change in the pupil’s behaviour
  • a pupil asks for help

Where there is a concern, the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators (SENDCOs) work with teachers to assess children’s needs and advise teachers on the best support. The SENDCOs may consult with other professionals and specialists, with parent’s permission, when additional assessment is necessary.

The school SENDCOs are Mrs McKiernan (Foundation and Key Stage 1) and Mrs Ableson (Key Stage 2), they can be contacted on 0208 529 6827.

How does the school consult parents of children with SEND and involve them in their education?

  • Parent consultations are held termly for all pupils, and parents receive an annual progress report.
  • Meetings with the teacher, SENDCO, and/or relevant external professionals - these can be at any time a parent or the school feels it may be necessary to communicate any changes in provision, progress or concerns.
  • Children with Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs) will have an annual pupil centred review, attended by the parents, child, LSA, SENDCO and Waltham Forest SEND officer.
  • Parent workshops are arranged to support parents’ understanding of different teaching approaches used by the school, eg. phonics, maths, language groups etc.

How does the school assess and review children’s progress towards outcomes? What opportunities are available to work with parents and children as part of this process?

  • Annual pupil centred reviews are held for pupils with  EHCPs. These can be held more regularly, if required.
  • Children with high needs who have a School Support Plan will also have an Educational Resources Provision Map (ERPM). This is reviewed termly and will show: children’s targets which are informed by professionals’ recommendations; additional provision in place to support child’s learning; progress made against their targets. ERPMs will be discussed at parent consultations. The SENDCO may attend the consultation or see parents and children separately.
  • All other children on the SEND register will have a provision map which is updated termly and details personal learning targets for their area of special need. Progress against these targets and general academic progress are shown on the provision map and discussed at parent consultations.
  • External professionals may be involved with parent’s permission, and will meet parents to gather information and discuss their assessment of a child.
  • Parents may arrange to talk to the teacher and/or SENDCO at any other time, should they have any concerns.

How does the school support children in moving between phases of education and preparing for adulthood?

This is achieved by:

  • Home and setting visits for new Nursery and Reception children, where any special needs can be discussed and prepared for
  • Welcome meetings for parents of new Nursery and Reception children
  • Teacher to teacher transition meetings between year groups where children’s special needs are discussed
  •  Y6 teachers meeting with secondary school teachers to discuss  children’s special needs·         Transition visits for pupils to destination schools
  • Where appropriate, transition passports including photographs and timetables
  • Parents’ meetings
  • Sharing information between schools and families about children’s strengths and needs
  • Seeking pupils’ views throughout 

What is the school’s approach to teaching children with SEND?

At Chase Lane, every child is special and enriches the quality of life in our school. 
It is recognised, however, that some children at different times may struggle in school. This may be seen in their work, their relationships with staff or other children, or in their attitude towards learning.

These struggles may relate to a particular situation that has arisen and may be relatively short-lived. For others, the difficulties they face may be life-long.

The school is committed to ensuring that EVERY child receives a high quality education regardless of those needs and that where those needs arise, targeted, high quality support is provided – for the child and, where appropriate, for their family. 

How are adaptations made to the curriculum and the learning environment of children with SEND?

  • When a pupil has been identified with special needs, their class teacher, with the support of the SENDCO, will differentiate their teaching to remove barriers to learning and provide challenging work at the child’s level. High quality teaching will target any areas of need that may be met in the class.
  • An LSA or another adult may be allocated to work with the pupil in a 1-1 or small focus group to target more specific needs.
  • Children with SEND may need a range of resources to support their learning e.g. concrete apparatus, a visual timetable, writing frames.
  • If appropriate, specialist equipment may be given to the pupil e.g. writing slopes, concentration carpet tiles, pen/pencils grips or easy-to-use scissors.
  • The Speech and Language therapist is in school every week, working directly with children and supporting, advising and training members of staff on best practice.
  • The SENDCOs work closely with teachers to provide support, advice, training and links to outside agencies and experts.
  • The school SEND governor works with the school to ensure the quality of SEND provision is closely monitored and regularly reviewed.

Our Accessibility Plan is available upon request.

What expertise and staff training does the school have to support children with SEND?    

  • The SENDCOs have 50 years of teaching experience between them – Mrs Ableson was the Deputy Head for 20 years. Mrs McKiernan is completing the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination.
  • All staff are trained internally by the SENDCOs or visiting professionals.
  • Regular meetings are held for support staff within school to share good practice and training is delivered by the Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist and SENDCOs.
  • Staff may attend specialist courses for professional development, which are held at external venues.
  • Where expertise is not available in school, parents’ permission will be requested to refer a child to the relevant specialist or service. This could be Speech and Language therapists, Educational  Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, the Social and Communication clinic, Child and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or Specialist Children’s Services.
  • There are termly visits from SEND Success outreach service to support and advise on best practice.
  • There are specialist Dyslexia teachers in school to support children with this need.
  • Services of specialists in the open market are secured, where necessary.
  • All Foundation staff are paediatric First Aid trained. Most support staff have basic First Aid training. Some support staff have training for specific medical needs e.g. diabetes.

How does the school make sure that children with SEND are engaged in activities with children who do not have SEND?

  • All children have equal access to the same high quality teaching and enrichment activities within the school day
  • All children have equal access to clubs, trips and residential trips

 What support does the school provide for improving emotional and social development?

The school offers a wide variety of pastoral support for pupils who are encountering emotional, social and behavioural difficulties.

These include:

  • Members of staff such as the class teacher, LSAs, SENDCO, and Behaviour Champion being readily available for pupils who wish to discuss issues and concerns

  • Pupils who find lunchtimes a struggle are invited to Lunch Time Club for fun activities which develop co-operation skills. A buddy system is also run at playtimes

  • Individual behaviour support plans, adopted from the 5P approach are used by the Behaviour Champion and SLT to support children with behavioural needs

  • Social skills groups are run throughout the school, where needed

  • Special Time – child led 1-1 sessions provide pupils with the opportunity to express or discuss worries or difficulties in a relaxed and confidential setting

  • There is a sensory room for children requiring a quiet space to self-regulate

  • Where necessary, referrals can be made to CAMHS for further social,  emotional and mental health support


How does the school prevent bullying?

The school takes bullying very seriously.
(Please see the school website for the school’s Anti-bullying policy).

What arrangements are in place for handling complaints from parents of children with SEND about the provision made in the school?

Contacts within Chase Lane Primary School should there be any concerns.

In the first instance, the pupil’s class teacher should be contacted–the child’s teacher is best placed to answer any issues regarding progress and any other concerns.

The school SENDCOs – Mrs McKiernan (Foundation Stage and KS1) and Mrs Ableson (KS2) – oversee and co-ordinate the SEND support provided across the school. To contact them, phone on the main school line on 020 8529 6827.

Mr Jeffery is the Head Teacher of Chase Lane and can be contacted if you are unable to contact the class teacher or SENDCO.

In the event that a parent feels a concern is not resolved there is a Complaints Policy which can be found on the school’s website.

School’s contribution to the Local Offer

ALL children will have access to:

  • High quality teaching and enrichment activities within the school day
  • Within this, access to differentiated teaching, visual supports, overlays and modified learning objectives etc. 
  • Clubs, trips and residential visits


          SOME children will have access to: 

  • Behaviour and Emotional Support

  • Social skills group

  • Small group work

  • Speech and language groups

  • Dyslexia support


         A FEW children with a high level of SEND  will have access to: 

  • Specialist external advice
  • 1:1 support
  • Structured and targeted programmes of work


Link to Waltham Forest’s Local Offer

The Local Offer is a dedicated website with advice, guidance and services, specifically to support families with children and young people in Waltham Forest with SEND, aged from birth to 25 years.




SENDIASS - Special Educational Needs Information, Advice and Support Service

SENDIASS is a service run by the Citizens Advice Bureau and one the Local Authority is legally required to provide under the Children and Families Act. It provides information, advice and support to Children and young people with SEND.

This is delivered via the Citizens Advice Bureau:
CAB, 220 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E17 3AY
Telephone: 0300 330 1175


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