Nursery Admissions
Entitlement to Nursery Education
Children are entitled to 15 hours free Nursery education from the term that starts after their third birthday. For some children this means that they could spend five terms in Nursery until they start Reception and for others it is a maximum of three.
There is one main intake for the Nursery each year, which is in September in the Autumn term. Most children will start our Nursery at the beginning of the September following their third birthday. It may, however, be possible for children to gain a place starting mid-way through the academic year, subject to the availability.
Your child may qualify for 30 hour funding if you meet certain criteria. Details of eligibility for 30-hours funding provision can be found at:
Please check on the Government website to see if this applies to you before you make the Nursery application.
Chase Lane Nursery Admissions
If you would like to apply for a place for your child at our Nursery please download the form below or request a copy from our school office. Completed forms can be handed into our school office or emailed to
Admissions to Nursery are arranged directly by the school. Once we have received your application, you will receive an email confirmation. For more information regarding admissions please click on the ‘Nursery Admissions and Charging Policy’ below.
Day at Chase Lane Nursery
Chase Lane Nursery runs term time only. We offer 15-hours places as 5 mornings or 5 afternoons a week:
Monday - Friday |
Morning Sessions |
8:55am – 11:55am |
Afternoon Sessions |
12:25pm – 3:25pm |
When you apply, please state whether you require a morning or afternoon session. We will endeavour to provide the session you request but cannot guarantee this.
For children registered for a 30-hours places the hours are as follows:
Monday - Thursday |
Friday |
30 Hours Session |
8:55am – 3:25pm |
8:55am – 11:55am |
Lunch |
11:45am – 12:20pm There will be no charge for this session. Parents/carers must provide a packed lunch for your child/children. |
Reception Admissions
Chase Lane Primary School - Reception Admissions 2025
Do you have a child who was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021?
If so, they are due to start Primary School in September 2025. To make an application, please apply online by 15th January 2025. For more information visit the Waltham Forest Primary Admission page on where you can download a copy of the Starting Primary School 2025 brochure which has full details of how to apply for a Primary School place.